Well, I finished my re-hab fitness course and went for my re-assesment to see how much fitter I am ... erm, I'm not. My heart rate was in fact higher than when I was first tested. Ooops. I did manage to walk a little further though, well, about six inches.
I put this aberration down to being an incredible example of male fitness to begin with. But they didn't buy that.
'Have you been following the exercise regime? 30 minutes for five days a week?'
'Erm, well no, sometimes...'
I was then beaten over the head by the two women specialists until I promised to do more in future. Darn. Last week (I pleaded in vain), I was walking the length and breadth of Britain, honest!
Well, parts of some cliffs that were near some rather nice pubs along the coast, at least. But I was walking!